Dragon Ball Vertigo
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Contact Me



Welcome To My Dragon Ball Vertigo Site.
As you look Throughout my Website you will find out that i is mostly dedicated to my Byond game Dragon Ball Vertigo. In my game I will host tournements every now and then and i will support your ideas for my game. I will also support you if you need help in your game but i will not give you mine.
I would suggest checking out my credits page and also check out the contact me page if you have any ideas for my site or any deals.
Thank you,
Listing Game Updates
Version 1.0
Nothing added
Version 2.0
More Characters
Version 3.0
More Objs
Version 4.0
Better GM abilities
Version 5.0
Fusion Earings for goku and vegeta.

Publicity of my Game
Right now my game is under reveiw by Deadron to show up in the game listings.
I think it should show up in a few weeks so you can download and run your own game.
Email Me

Support Master_Sayjin_Roofus
If you would like to support me you can help a lot by Donating dimes or paying to be a gm.
Thank you